WHAT IS THE GIB? The Greater Imperial Board, Inc. (GIB) is the Quasi-Master Association for the 13 residential community associations and the Imperial Golf Club in Imperial. These 13 residential communities and the Imperial Golf Club are the signatories of an agreement with the GIB that specifies the powers that these associations agree belong to the GIB. The GIB exercises these powers not for the benefit of the GIB but for the benefit of the 13 residential member associations, the Imperial Golf Club, and the members of those associations. The members of the associations include Imperial’s 1,548 lot, home, villa, and condo owners as well as the members of the Imperial Golf Club.

WHY IS THERE A GIB? When Imperial’s developer started developing the master plan for the Imperial communities he apparently did not recognize the need for a Master Association and sold off lots without a Master Association covered in those deeds. He owned and operated the front gate access control system himself. It was not until 1990 that he recognized that a Master Association would be needed to take over the operation of the current GIB property and the original Articles of Incorporation of the GIB were approved and registered with the State. The GIB operated under his control with only voluntary contributions from the other residential communities and the Golf Club to assist in the operation of the GIB’s property. In 1997 the first formal GIB agreement with then existing member residential associations and the Imperial Golf Club was signed and the GIB operation as Imperial’s Master Association commenced as we know it today.

WHAT DOES THE GIB OWN/MANAGE? The Greater Imperial Board owns, manages, maintains and improves the front entrance into Imperial from US 41, including the signage, landscaping, and lighting at the front entrance; the gate house, the signage around the gate area (wing walls), landscaping, and lighting; the road from US 41 all the way to just after the entrance into Castlewood; and the landscaping along the roadway. The GIB is responsible for management and operation of the front gate access control system and the contract for the access control officers that maintain the 24/7 operation of the front gate access control system for entry onto Imperial’s private road. The GIB is also responsible for the contract for the management of the GIB’s property by a Property Manager, currently is Compass Rose Managementt. The GIB contracts for landscape services to maintain the GIB’s grass and landscaping and also for appropriate insurances for their property. There are a number of other services that they contract for that support the operation and maintenance of the GIB’s property. Again all of the GIB’s property and services are managed for the benefit of the member Imperial communities, the Imperial Golf Club, and the individual members of the Imperial communities and the Imperial Golf Club.

HOW DOES THE GIB OPERATE? The GIB is operated by a 14 member Board of Directors consisting of a representative from each of Imperial’s 13 residential associations and the Imperial Golf Club. This Board of Directors makes GIB management decisions by a majority vote of the member community representatives.